The good doctor

Sharing my love of cocktails with others is one of my greatest joys. I genuinely believe that most of the challenges in life could be solved over cocktails & conversation and I like to lead the charge. Most of my family and friends end up being my testers for these creations, but no one finds as much joy in it as one of my dear cousins for whom this cocktail was created. Her birthday was coming up and gin is her jam, so I took some of her favorite flavors and created this cocktail, that will have you sure to make a house call!

**************The Good Doctor*******************


2 oz. Empress Gin (if you want this coloring)

1 oz. Fresh Lemon Juice

4-5 Blackberries

1/2 oz. Agave Nectar

1 tsp. Sugar


Muddle blackberries in 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1/2 oz. of fresh lemon juice in a cocktail shaker

Add 2 oz. Empress Gin

Add 1/2 oz Agave Nectar and 1/2 oz. fresh lemon juice


Strain over crushed ice into glass

Garnish and enjoy


